Thursday, October 9, 2014

Where/When do you feel the most Vulnerable?

Since we're in the season for this and all.

Every once in a while an awkward situation happens to me and I feel the need to document it.  I do this for your entertainment and because I generally have no shame.  Please be aware that if the topic of "poop" disgusts you, then you probably might want to turn away from the computer screen right now.  In hindsight, this combination of "awkward" and "poop" probably doesn't help me get readers, but I promise that it's not something disgusting!

I digress...

My friend from back home once brought up a conversation mid drunken toke: "Where/when do you feel the most vulnerable?"  He proceeded to share with us where and when he felt most vulnerable and I thought he was ridiculous.  1.  He was drunk, and 2.  He was in the process of getting high, so his words really made no sense to me anyways.

That was until today. (Here comes the no-shame, vulnerable moment)

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating here... 

So my office at work is located in a corporate plaza, where we share our building with a number of other companies.  We share the entire facility (this means bathrooms).  So I'm sitting on the john (oh goodness here comes the snarky criticism now), doing my business when another guy walks in the bathroom.  You know that feeling you get when someone enters the bathroom when you're in a stall?  It's like you want for that person to observe your privacy and not acknowledge you.  Well... not tonight.

He walks in and the first thing he says is, "Hey man, how's it going!?"

And then silence...


"What are you doing?"

Followed again by silence...


At this moment, my friend's words finally clicked.  This was his most vulnerable moment and now I'm feeling it.  My drunk, high friend was right.  I'M GETTING VIOLATED!!!

I try to muster the words to say to him, but what the... how do I respond!?!? 
"Umm...  no.  I don't know you," was a possibility, but what if he was just REALLY friendly and wanted to strike up some stall-to-stall conversation? 


Finally, Mr. Bathroom Invader broke the silence "Yeah, man...  I'm at work.  What are you, just finally getting off the couch you lucky bastard?" 

Apparently he was just on his phone with what I can only assume is his unemployed friend.  I like to imagine he's a loser because he's associated to Mr. Talk on the Phone in the Bathroom over here. 

At this point I'd like to ask my readers (all 2 of you), to please not talk on your phones in the bathroom.  Not that you do or anything, I mean c'mon!!! Who does that!? 

Also, Octavio, if you're reading this, man... I'm sorry.  You were right. 

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