Dear conservative Nike Boycotters,
Over the week, I have read your tirades, I have beared your flawed opinions, and I admittedly have come close, real close, to falling for your more compelling and emotional responses to the recent Nike ad featuring frontman, Colin Kaepernick. Now I'm afriad I'm going to have to show you why it's all bullshit.
For starters, you've missed the message entirely
In 2016, Colin Kaepernick started his protest, in his words, for "people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. " In his early protest, he said his greivance was because the "country wasn't holding up its end of the bargain." What he's referring to is that systemic racism is holding certain communities from "liberty and justice for all." He even pointed out that if our troops are fighting to provide those freedoms, then ironically, they are fighting in vain.
"I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening. People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody."
His protest only gained steam from there, and with it, further division from so-called patriots. But why? Because you consider kneeling during the anthem disrespect? Well, he used to sit on the bench and then U.S. Army Veteran, and former NFL player, Nate Boyer compelled him to start kneeling during the anthem instead as a symbol of REVERENCE and RESPECT, while still keeping the meaning of his protest.
So here's the deal. The message was never about disrespect toward the flag OR the troops. The message was about holding the Flag, Anthem, and the values it is supposed to represent to the standards that we should ALL get... but aren't.
So, why Nike?
Close to 2 years later, and for most of that time, Colin Kaepernick has NOT had a soap box from which to perch, until...
I swear, put the guy on an ad, and the whole world turns to shit.
At this point, if you're boycotting Nike, it isn't because you're still mad about Kaepernick's alleged disrespect towards the flag because Nike has nothing to do with any of the Anthem ceremonies in the NFL. Let's be honest. You're mad because Colin Kaeperick has a voice again.
This means you're either supremely petty and just mad at Colin Kaepernick, or you disagree with his message. If you disagree with his message, then just call it that. At least the rest of the world will know that you're choosing your ignorance when presented with their oppression.
Oops again!
But Colin's Pig Socks!
Yes, "Pig" is a term for dirty cops. It is NOT a derogatory term for policemen. And if being anti-dirty cops, makes you anti-cop, then...
The fact that protests against police abuse toward the black community has sown the seeds of counter protests like "Blue Lives Matter" only implicates that there is indeed an issue with relations between police and the black community.
Look. I get your argument that black people are more apt to commit a crime, but those statistics are flawed if you look at the underlying reasons why people of any race are prone to commit crime.
Yes. Poverty. Studies have shown that regardless of race, disadvantaged neighborhoods showed greater rates of crime. The fact that these disadvantages are more prevalent in black neighborhoods is symptomatic of the systemic racism that has stirred these protests.
Ohh! It's because they used the word "sacrifice." First off, it was never said directly that Colin Kaepernick sacrificed anything. It IS implied, and you all certainly took it that way, and the fact you went so off the rails over his picture in the background is comical. But sure, I'll entertain this point later.
Secondly, and most importantly, the military does not have a monopoly on "sacrifice." If that is the case, then so can things like bravery, honor, courage, and dedication (you get the point, right?) be monopolized. Your pedestaling of the military makes it hard for ordinary people to have nice things. Ordinary citizens are just as capable of displaying every one of those qualities, just without the fancy retail discounts and parading. And it's not like the military are without their bad apples. There are wife-beaters currently serving in the military. There are rapists currently serving in the military. The military even has its own gang problem. And let's not forget the enduring racism problem in... the... U.S. Military. So, just like everything else in society, the military is corruptible. Please stop putting its service members on a pedestal and remind everyone that they all still have to prove their worthiness of respect and adoration in our society.
Now if I haven't lost you yet, let's entertain that "first off." You are claiming that Colin Kaepernick hasn't sacrificed "anything." And to that I say, not only did he opt out of the last year of his guaranteed contract with the 49ers, but he also put his time and money where his mouth is OFF the field. That's millions of dollars donated to his foundation centered on teaching black youth what their rights are as citizens of this country, and how to interact with police. Can you imagine that? For someone who you claim to be "anti-police," he certainly seems interested in teaching black youth to handle police interactions SAFELY. He has also provided suits to underprivileged men so that they are more career ready. If that's not sacrifice enough for his activism, then I'd like to see you lead the way and be the example you'd like to see toward his cause.
#Justdoit ;)
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