Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Kim Davis, you are no hero! (An open-blog letter)

I was trying to find a song appropriate for Rowan County, KY. 

Dearest Kim,

Welcome back to the world, and congratulations on your release from jail.  This is an accomplishment that close to 1% of the American population can't even boast on. You must be ecstatic.

Yes of course you are.

Wait, what?  You encourage us to press on, and not give in (I'm assuming to the support of gay marriage)?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kim, but you agreed to uphold Judge Bunning's order to not interfere with your court's ability to uphold gay marriage.  That is basically giving in, and if you claim any moral victory in that, then you should have been doing that to begin with.  Oh... and you're a hypocrite.  

That said, the real glory of God in this is that more Americans now support gay marriage.  I guess they just kinda realized that gay marriage really doesn't affect them.  

Still, gay people have to deal with religious zealots, like you, who practice discrimination under the guise of "religious liberty."  Let's be clear on this.  Your religious opinions and ability to worship  are not being threatened by gay couples coming to you for a signature.  

By your actions, the only people threatened are people who do not worship the same god as you. This has been more evident by the actions out of the Christian community lately.  

Then when there's negative feedback, you claim that your religious liberties are at stake!  Let me explain to you how you are a detriment to your own cause.

1.  You have changed the very definition of "religious liberty," which is the freedom of religious opinion and worship.  You have made it okay for others to deny service based on their religious beliefs, when time and time again the realm of popular opinion defines that as flat-out discrimination.  
2.  You are an elected official with a duty to uphold the laws of the land. Any moral victory you claim in any of this doesn't make you a hero, it makes you an oppressor and a hypocrite.

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